Engaging Students with the Korean War and Beyond
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Explore ready made lesson plans for Grade 6 and Grade 10. Each lesson is based in historical thinking to engage students in thinking critically about commemorating the Korean War on the 70th anniversary of the conflict and the 60th anniversary of Canada’s diplomatic relations with the Republic of Korea.
These lessons are offered in both English and French and explore topics such as:
Grade 6 lessons:
- Why is the Korean War commemorated by a hockey game? (Grade 6)
- What makes an impactful memorial? (Grade 6)
- How do many stories shape what we know about the Korean War? (Grade 6)
- Did Canada contribute to peace in Korea? (Grade 6)
Grade 10 lessons:
- Is hockey a significant part of the Korean War’s legacy? (Grade 10)
- Peace in Korea: lasting or unstable? (Grade 10)
- Is the Korean war Canada’s forgotten war? (Grade 10)
- What stories are worth sharing about the Korean War? (Grade 10)
This webinar is facilitated by the writers and creators of this teacher resource: Amanda Pike and Korto Zambeli-Tardif
La Corée et le Canada: Ressources pour la salle de classe
Want to learn more about Canada’s participation in the Korean War? Join us in Vancouver this summer for the World Congress of Teachers of the Korean War