Links to useful resources, professional learning and more. You might see some of them at our annual conference resource fair.
Source | Description | Topic |
The National Film Board | Canada's films in both English and French. Collections include: Indigenous Voices and Reconciliation, Diversity and Inclusion, Equity, Made in Canada and more. | Resources, bilingual |
The Critical Thinking Consortium | Resources to support inquiry learning. Thinking about History videos, History Docs, Snapshots in Time and more. | Resources, inquiry |
Historica Canada | Heritage Minutes, videos, podcasts, Think Like a Historian series, Indigenous histories, civics and citizenship and more. | Resources, bilingual |
Canadian Museum for Human Rights | The Canadian Human Rights Museum has online tools, lessons and information for educators to support teaching about equity. | Resources, bilingual |
Elections Canada | Elections Canada's educational resources - short lessons for history, civics and more! | Resources, bilingual |
Canada's History | The Governor General's History Award for Excellence in Teaching, Canada's History magazine, Kayak, classroom resources, webinars, and more. | Awards, resources, bilingual |
Thinking Historically for Canada's Future | OHASSTA is proud to partner on this 7-year, cross-Canada research project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. | Research, partner, bilingual |
Defining Moments Canada | Collaborative project for 21st century storytelling. Projects include: the Spanish Flu, VEDay75 and more | Resources, bilingual, historical thinking |
Experiences Canada | Exchanges and forums to develop community leaders and informed citizens of tomorrow. Subsidized travel in Canada, student forums, reconciliation in action. | Travel, bilingual |
The Champlain Society | Documents of early Canada. Special educator membership. | Resources |
Nelson Publishing | Textbooks both print and online for civics, history, social science and more | Resources |
Facing History and Ourselves | Tools, strategies, and resources for students to explore themes of prejudice, justice, equity, and civic responsibility. Workshops for teachers. | Resources, workshops, bilingual |
International Humanitarian Law | Canadian Red Cross has a new interactive online activity: Forced to Fight, workshops for teachers and tons of resources to support equity topics. | Resources, workshops, bilingual |
Historical Thinking Project | The concepts of historical thinking explained. Download student-friendly templates and find other resources supporting historical thinking. | Historical thinking, bilingual |
The Canadian Encyclopedia | Articles about almost every subject in Canadian history with many interactive timelines and other resources. | Resources, bilingual |
CBC Archives | Online collection of video and audio clips from the CBC vaults. The news becomes history. | Resources, bilingual |
Canadian War Museum | First World War online exhibit has primary source photos organized by battle, theme and more. Order the Supply Line traveling exhibit for WWI or WWII. | Resources, bilingual |
Human Rights in Canada | A timeline of human rights law from the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Supports equity. | Resources, bilingual |
Where are the Children? | The official exhibit of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation. Photos and accounts from residential school survivors, teachers, and intergenerational survivors | Resources, bilingual |
The Begbie Contest Society | A treasure trove of primary sources organized into ready-to-use multiple-choice, short answer and essay questions. | Resources |
Elections Ontario | Learning resources from Elections Ontario for Civics and elementary teachers. | Resources, bilingual |
LIbrary and Archives Canada | Immigration, genealogy, Indigenous histories, military history, land records, maps, music and so much more | Resources, bilingual |
The McCord Museum | Extensive and organized online collections of historical cartoons, photographs and other primary source material available for use in the classroom. | Resources, bilingual |
The Archives of Ontario | School workshops on-site, primary sources, lesson plans for all grades, workshops for educators | Resources, bilingual |
Voices Into Action | These free online resources explore social justice and equity issues. Become empowered to speak out and take action against hatred and all forms of discrimination | Resources, bilingual |
The History Education Network | THEN/HiER was a 7-year research project that brought together historians, museum educators, teachers, researchers in faculties of education, and policymakers. The website is now archived. | Research, resources, bilingual |
Virtual Historian | Interactive, primary source-based history activities to do online from researchers at the University of Ottawa. | Primary Sources, bilingual |
Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History | In-depth collections of primary resources so that your students can do history. Newest collection on the Franklin Expedition includes Inuit sources. Use the Mystery Quests - they are digestible activities for students at age-appropriate levels. | Primary Sources, bilingual |
The Glenbow Archives | If you’re looking for something specific, this archives in Calgary has an enormous amount of material digitized, with a large collections on Indigenous history(ies). | Primary Sources |
Canadian Museum of History | Take a virtual tour of the new Canadian History Hall, explore the Morning Star by Alex Janvier or browse through the vast online archives | Resources, bilingual |
The Virtual Museum | This meta-museum database connects to more than 500 virtual exhibits across Canada. Learning resources and lesson plans to support the history classroom. | Primary sources, bilingual |
The Memory Project | Personal stories of Canadian veterans who share their experiences in our history. Searchable and bilingual. | Primary Sources, bilingual |
The National Archives (US) | The American National Archives. Lots of primary sources for teaching American history topics. | Primary Sources |
Bamboo Shoots | The history and legacy of Chinese-Canadian exclusion in British Columbia. Lessons and primary sources. | Resources |
Economics for Canadians | Resources to teach Economics | Resources |
OJEN | Resources to teach law. Mock trials, courtroom visits, games and more | Resources, bilingual |
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