Engaging Students with the Korean War and Beyond
Explore ready made lesson plans for Grade 6 and Grade 10. Each lesson is based in historical thinking to engage students in thinking critically about commemorating the Korean War on the 70th anniversary of the conflict and the 60th anniversary of Canada’s diplomatic relations with the Republic of Korea.
These lessons are offered in both English and French and explore topics such as:
Grade 6 lessons:
- Why is the Korean War commemorated by a hockey game? (Grade 6)
- What makes an impactful memorial? (Grade 6)
- How do many stories shape what we know about the Korean War? (Grade 6)
- Did Canada contribute to peace in Korea? (Grade 6)
Grade 10 lessons:
- Is hockey a significant part of the Korean War’s legacy? (Grade 10)
- Peace in Korea: lasting or unstable? (Grade 10)
- Is the Korean war Canada’s forgotten war? (Grade 10)
- What stories are worth sharing about the Korean War? (Grade 10)
These webinars are facilitated by the writers and creators of this teacher resource:
Amanda Pike and Korto Zambeli-Tardif
Social Action In Social Studies: You are encouraging action or endorsing the status quo
Dr. Shannon Moore, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Education
Against a numbing indifference, despair or withdrawal into the private orbits of the isolated self, there is a need to support educational institutions that enable students to exhibit civic courage, foster the capacity to listen to others, sustain complex thoughts and engage social problems. —Giroux 2019
Social justice and active citizenship are woven throughout the social studies curricula. As such, it is a teacher’s professional responsibility to invite and incite discussions about inequity and injustice, and to teach students about the varied ways citizens can respond and resist. This presentation will: a) counter mainstream misconceptions about action-oriented pedagogy; b) advocate the necessary role of social action in social studies; c) outline the pedagogical considerations required to cultivate a classroom community ready to participate in social action.
Nouvelle trousse de cours pour Civisme et Citoyenneté
Passez une heure avec les auteurs de la trousse de cours pour CHV2O alors qu’ils partagent leur processus, leurs idées et leurs leçons dans un webinaire informatif.
Saisissez l’occasion de créer un réseau avec d’autres enseignants d’éducation civique, de poser des questions aux auteurs et d’apprendre comment l’AESHO peut t’aider dans tes prochaines démarches.
New Civics Curriculum Course Package
Spend an hour with some of the writers and experienced Civics teachers as they share their process, ideas, and lessons in an informative webinar. Take the opportunity to build a network with other Civics educators, ask questions of the writers, and learn about how OHASSTA can support you in your next steps.