Archived Events

Economic Thinking and Doing June 16th, 2020, 3:30 CIA4U and CIE3M e-learning course writer Jan Haskings-Winner, and lead reviewer, Zoe Flatman share the process of creating the inquiry-based online learning activities rich in economic thinking for grades 11 and 12 Economics. They will share their favourite activities and assessment tasks and facilitate guided exploration and discussion in breakout groups. The session will include conversations about adaptations for emergency distance learning, as well as for blended learning in the face-to-face classroom. Whether you’re new to e-learning or have lots to share, we hope you will join us for this interactive webinar.
Just Blend It! Inquiry and Blended Learning in the History and Social Science Classroom June 11th, 2020 4:30
Through a sampling of practical, hands-on, collaborative activities, we will explore blended learning pedagogy and technology options to use in your classes. These strategies, for teachers in grades 7-12, will be geared to support inquiry and critical thinking in history and the social sciences. Learn some new tools and strategies to engage your students in any learning context. We will share examples of how to use blended learning to do disciplinary thinking in History, Economics, Law, Politics/Civics, and the Social Sciences. With Rachel Collishaw and Jan Haskings-Winner.
What were they thinking? May 19th, 2020 at 3:30 pm CHY4U e-learning course writer Jim Pedrech, and lead reviewer, Rachel Collishaw share the process of creating the inquiry-based online learning activities, rich in historical thinking for World History 1500-present. They will share their favourite activities and assessment tasks and facilitate guided exploration and discussion in breakout groups. The session will include conversations about adaptations for emergency distance learning, as well as for blended learning in the face-to-face classroom. Whether you’re new to e-learning or have lots to share, we hope you will join us for this interactive webinar.
Some OHASSTA Tuesdays are interactive presentations, while others are a Happy Hour, a moderated informal discussion, sharing, and Q&A. Bring your favourite beverage and join us in conversation. Collaborate with colleagues in small groups to talk about pressing questions and solve the world’s problems! These sessions are not recorded.
Let’s talk about Bridging Grade 7-10 History– June 2nd, 2020, 3:30 How do we connect and bridge elementary and high school history? Let’s work together to explore misconceptions and common ground between the two panels. How can we help all of our students engage in historical thinking and inquiry learning? Please note that Happy Hour discussions are not recorded.
Happy Hour – Let’s talk about Assessment– May 5th, 2020, 3:30 How do I decide what’s really essential learning? How do we assess for, as, and of learning? How do we give rich descriptive feedback? How do we support student wellness while assessing with integrity? Please note that Happy Hour discussions are not recorded.
OHASSTA Website Tour – April 21st, 3:30 pm
Join the OHASSTA web designer, Jim Pedrech, for an interactive exploration of the newly revised association website. You’ll have a chance to explore the site with a small group of colleagues and be inspired by what you find.
Contact Us to learn more or to suggest a discussion topic!