Contributed by Philip Rich –    Research and Training Coordinator, The/La Collaborative Inquiry Learning

Passionate about inquiry and project-based learning? Looking for new resources?

The/La Collaborative’s Inquiry Platform is a new tool that aims to enhance student learning experiences by making subject-matter experts available as an additional resource for classroom activities. The/La Collaborative connects Canadian K-12 teachers with Social Science, Humanities and Arts (SSHA) experts from universities across Canada to support inquiry and project-based learning in the classroom.  

All teachers have to do is complete a collaboration request!

The/La Collaborative welcomes a wide range of experts who are excited to engage with teachers and students – including professors, postdoctoral researchers, and PhD students – and the number of experts continues to grow.  Teachers can request an expert to support different stages of the inquiry-learning process, including developing guiding questions and research plans, collecting data, or presenting results for formative or summative assessment, among others. Your “connection broker” will manage the collaboration process for everyone, easily connecting K-12 teachers with academic researchers who are eager to support student learning.  A French version of the platform will be launched in the coming weeks for French and French Immersion schools in Ontario.

The/La Collaborative’s goal is to increase opportunities students have to meet research and subject-matter experts, and effectively support learning outcomes in the classroom. We also hope that students feel inspired to pursue new topics and ideas and to explore SSHA disciplines further after engaging directly with SSHA experts in the classroom.

We would love to hear from you!

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Contributing Writer

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