Please find below a sampling of the content presented in some of this year’s workshops.
Indigenous Content in the Law and Social Science Classroom
Workshop Presenter: Vanessa Caddel
Thinking About LGBTQ2+ Narratives in History
Workshop Presenter: Ian Duncan
Thinking About LGBTQ2+ Folder of Workshop Resources
CIVICS: Inspiring Active Citizens to Rock Our World!
Workshop Presenter: Trish Brennan
Some are Guilty; All are Responsible: Teaching Reconciliation through Holocaust Memoirs and Tanya Talaga’s Seven Fallen Feathers
Workshop Presenter: Erin Doupe
Seven Fallen Feathers — Google Doc
Going Gradeless in the Secondary History Classroom
Workshop Presenter: Lisa Hicknell
An introduction to Passion Project Based History and Social Science Classrooms
Workshop Presenter: Rebecca Chambers
Google Folder of Workshop Resources
Beyond Black History Month
Workshop Presenter: Sandi Vander Heyden
Using Learning Maps to Navigate Assessment
Workshop Presenters: Michael Elias and Ponam Katyal
Workshop Slide DeckCategory: Resources