OHASSTA / AESHO is pleased to partner with the Ministry of Education to develop resources and supports for the revised Civics and Citizenship curriculum (2022). We have developed a 3-phase project as part of this partnership and phase one resources are now available. Check out CHV2O Resources 2022 to learn more about what’s coming next.
CHV2O Course Packages 2022
A free comprehensive course package for educators that provides entire unit plans to effectively deliver culturally-responsive and relevant Civics learning that emphasizes human rights, equity and diversity, and student voice.
English Language Course Package
Trousse du cours francophone
Designed to meet the needs of educators who have extensive experience, some experience or no experience with teaching Civics, this is a ‘plug and play’ course outline and package with classroom-ready resources, activities, and assessment tools designed by Ontario educators.
The course packages are available in both French and English in Googledocs at the moment. A dedicated webpage is currently being developed to house these lesson plans in a user-friendly format.
All of the activities in the course package are aligned with the revised curriculum expectations and the frameworks referenced in the front matter, as well as Growing Success, and many relevant ministry documents and policies, like the Adolescent Literacy Guide, Learning for All, Literacy Alerts, and Ontario’s Education Equity Plan.