I’m delighted to welcome spring and hope once again that we will be able to gather in person once again soon. Your OHASSTA / AESHO executive has been hard at work organizing webinars, beginning to create Civics support materials for the revised curriculum, and of course, planning for our annual conference!
We plan to be back in person for our Fall Conference at McMaster University on Saturday, November 26th, 2022 on the theme: Reconnect and Reimagine. The call for workshop proposals is coming soon, and we will also have an exhibitor’s hall showcasing our many partners and their programs.
You may have noticed that the website has a new look and we’ve got a new logo, too. The logo gives us a fresh new look that reflects our core values of collaboration and support for our members.
We love how the tree is rooted in the past and the land like our history, and yet it also reaches for the sky and the future, with the many branches perhaps representing the many interconnected social science disciplines. The apple, of course, means that we’re all about teachers, and the tree is positioned on a hill to show that we are a guidepost or leader in the field.
The logo was professionally designed in consultation with the executive with the financial assistance of OSSTF / FEESO, and we are very grateful for their support.
We look forward to seeing you all again in person in November and I hope that you have a very restful and rejuvenating summer!