Physically apart, but still learning together!
Welcome to OHASSTA-AESHO’s new and improved website! We are so pleased that you have found us, and we hope that you will find resources, inspiration and a supportive network in these uncertain times.
Our new Learning Resources page houses high-quality resources developed by OHASSTA-AESHO for the ministry of education, the Ontario Teachers’ Federation and other partners.
Check out the Conference Resources page to search for and find resources presented at our conference over the last two years. There is so much amazing work done by and for our members!
Rapport blog posts are still being migrated from the old site, but you can find lots of them by category or theme by clicking on the colourful sidebar buttons. From teaching reflections, to book reviews, pedagogy, and research, they are a rich source of inspiration.
We are still hoping to hold our 2020 conference at McMaster University on October 15th and 16th, and our theme this year is Hindsight 2020. We’ll be announcing more details soon, including the call for proposals. We will, of course, follow the advice of public health experts.
In the meantime, we are planning some online professional learning later in April. We’re also planning to give you a tour of some great e-learning resources written by OHASSTA members into the spring and summer. Stay tuned for more announcements soon!

Speaking of announcements, our partners at Thinking Historically for Canada’s Future have launched their new website with a great video that explains the research project and OHASSTA-AESHO’s role as a partner.
You can sign up for emails from OHASSTA by filling out the form at the bottom of the page. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook to stay on top of all the latest news!
Feel free to reach out to our team of volunteers through the Contact Us page!
Stay safe and hopefully we’ll see you online soon!
Rachel Collishaw