In 2015, the province of Ontario designated January 21st as Lincoln Alexander Day.

Lincoln Alexander is a significant figure in Ontario and Canadian history. In their profile page detailing his life in pictures, the Ontario Archives states: “Lincoln Alexander was a leading figure in the fight for racial equity in Canada. In provincial, federal, public and private roles, he consistently advocated for the equal treatment of black Canadians.”
As a child of Caribbean immigrant parents, Alexander faced and fought against racial discrimination throughout his life. In 1953, he graduated from law school as only one of a few people of colour. He devoted his life to the service of others to create a more equitable society.

Lincoln Alexander was the first person of colour elected as a Member of Parliament, appointed to be a Cabinet Minister and to be appointed the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. He was also selected as the chair of the Workers Compensation Board of Ontario.
To honour the memory of Lincoln Alexander, the government of Ontario created the Lincoln M. Alexander Award. It recognizes three Ontario youth for their strong leadership in eliminating racial discrimination.
Take the time to nominate a student today!