Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action: Revised History Curriculum
Grade Level: 7-10
July 23-25, Laurentian University, Sudbury
Presenters: Rachel Collishaw and Jan Haskings-Winner
This Summer Institute will focus on learning more about the revisions to the History curriculum that focus on integrating the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In this institute, participants will create classroom-ready activities that support both Indigenous pedagogies and historical thinking. We will work with First Nation, Metis and Inuit partners in the local community to learn together about both historical truth and reconciliation, both for ourselves and our classrooms.
Registration coming soon:
Just Blend It! Blended Learning and Inquiry in the History & Social Science Classroom
Grade Level: 7-12
August 7-9, St. Lawrence College , Kingston
Presenters: Rachel Collishaw and Sandra Kritzer
In this Summer Institute, participants will have time to deepen their understanding of disciplinary thinking concepts through the inquiry lens. Subjects include those in History, Economics, Law, Politics/Civics, and the Social Sciences. Through a series of practical, hands-on, collaborative activities, we will explore blended learning pedagogy and technology options to use in your classes. These strategies will be geared to support inquiry and critical thinking, and to increase your strategies to assess for/as learning. By the end of this Summer Institute, participants will have constructed a task, lesson or assessment for a context of their choosing, that will be immediately applicable in their work. Teachers of grades 7-12 are invited to register. Bring your own laptop or other connected devices.
Registration coming soon: