A webinar series to build community and share with colleagues during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Join us every two weeks to learn, discuss, collaborate and share! Our new webinar series will connect you with resources and provide space for discussions to strengthen our OHASSTA-AESHO community.

Our purposes are clear. We want to strengthen and connect our OHASSTA-AESHO community, to help you plan for future learning when we are back in the classroom, to share and highlight the amazing work being done by our members, to support members right now whenever possible, and to support teacher-leaders among our members.

Our webinars include: clear links to the curriculum, assessment suggestions, practical classroom applications, interactive activities, and time for discussion and sharing

In addition to presenter-based webinars, we’re also introducing OHASSTA Happy Hour, a moderated conversation where you can drop in and chat about a topic, share ideas, and get inspired.

The first OHASSTA Happy Hour is on May 5th to chat about assessment – how do we decide what’s really essential learning?

Find out more about upcoming webinars, and find links to recorded webinars on our Webinar page!

Contact Us to learn more or to suggest a discussion topic!

Rachel Collishaw

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