OHASSTA-AESHO produces resources in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, OTF, relevant subject associations, and other partners.

Search the table to find curriculum-linked, classroom-ready resources developed by OHASSTA-AESHO and our partners:

Name AuthorDateLinkDescriptionTopic
Civics Course Package EnglishOHASSTANovember 2022Google DriveA full course package for CHV2O
OHASSTA webinarsOHASSTA membersOn GoingOHASSTA YouTube Channel
Variety of topics
South Korea: Democratization Erin Ledlow and Jim pedrech2021OHASSTA siteHistory
South Korea: Economic DevelopmentShannon McLeod Simpson and Leigh Macdonald2021OHASSTA siteEconomics
Corée du sud: Développement Économique
Shannon McLeod Simpson and Leigh Macdonald2021Site OHASSTAÉconomique
TRC Calls to Action: Revised History Curriculum

Summer Institute Sudbury
OHASSTA and OTF2018Google DriveThree days of free summer learning
School Board Governance and Trustee Elections OHASSTA2018PDF English

PDF French
A resource for Civics (CHV2O) with four simulation activities
Just Blend It!

Summer Institute Niagara
OHASSTA and OTF2017Google SlidesThree days of free summer learning
Historical Thinking Posters
Thumbnail preview of historical thinking poster
OHASSTA2013Google Drive EN

Google Drive FR
Historical Significance
Cause and Consequence
Continuity and Change
Historical Perspectives
Political Thinking Posters - also for Civics!
Thumbnail preview of the political thinking poster
OHASSTA2013Google Drive EN

Google Drive FR
Political Significance
Objectives and Results
Continuity and Change
Political Perspectives
Inquiry Process Posters
Social Science and Humanities
Thumbnail preview of the SSH inquiry process poster
OHASSTA2013Google Drive EN
Google Drive FR



Communicate and Reflect
Workshop in a Box:
Revised Social Science and Humanities Curriculum
OHASSTA and OHHSSCA2013ZIP FileIntroduction to inquiry, protocols, professional learning
Indigenous Content in the Law and Social Science ClassroomCaddel, VanessaOHASSTA 2019PowerPointIndigenous Education
Thinking About LGBTQ2+ Narratives in History Duncan, Ian
OHASSTA 2019Google DriveLGBTQ2+
CIVICS: Inspiring Active Citizens to Rock Our World!Brennan, TrishOHASSTA 2019PowerPointCivics
Some are Guilty; All are Responsible: Teaching Reconciliation through Holocaust Memoirs and Tanya Talaga's Seven Fallen FeathersDoupe, ErinOHASSTA 2019Slides

Google Doc

Going Gradeless in the Secondary History ClassroomHicknell, LisaOHASSTA 2019Google SlidesPedagogy
An introduction to Passion Project Based History and Social Science ClassroomsChambers, RebeccaOHASSTA 2019Google DrivePedagogy
Beyond Black History MonthVander Heyden, SandiOHASSTA 2019Google DriveBlack History
Using Learning Maps to Navigate AssessmentElias, Michael and Ponam KatyalOHASSTA 2019Google Drive Pedagogy
Voices into ActionOHASSTA 2016Google DriveStudent Action
You want me to read what? Exploring and assessing disciplinary literacy in social sciencesRachel Collishaw, Sheri Jarvis and Nicole BernardinisOHASSTA 2018Google Doc LinkHSP3UF, HSP3C, Social Sciences, disciplinary literacy, French Immersion
Why are people so mean? An assessment task for HSP3U and HSP3CRachel Collishaw, Sheri Jarvis and Rebecca Wemyss, OCDSBOHASSTA 2017Google Doc Link HSP3U, HSP3C, Social Sciences, Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Discrimination
Map Your History With Google MapsOHASSTA 2016Google DriveTechnology
Les TIC dans les Cours de CHCGrimes, RebeccaOHASSTA 2016Google DriveFrench Resources
The Greatest PharaohOHASSTA 2016Google DrivePedagogy
Is the Library History?OHASSTA 2016Google DrivePedagogy
(Social Science, Humanities, Technology, Engineering, Math and
OHASSTA 2016Google DrivePedagogy
Embedding Inquiry in History and LawGanev, Christina and Flora FungOHASSTA 2016Google DriveInquiry
Economic and Social Justice: A Human Rights PerspectiveBernstein, Seth and Zain GhadiallyOHASSTA 2016Google DriveEquity
Tips for modifying new Canadian and World Studies online courses
for use in your blended learning classroom!
OHASSTA 2016Google DrivePedagogy
Implementing the Revised CWS CurriculumHux, AllanOHASSTA 2016Google DriveCurriculum
Decolonizing CanadaBurgess, MichaelOHASSTA 2016Google DriveIndigenous Education
Get out the Fun! Using Free
Animation Apps To Enhance
Your Classroom Practice
OHASSTA 2016Google DriveTechnology
Bringing Reconciliation to Your ClassroomGross, Ben and Cheryl PayneOHASSTA 2016Google DriveReconciliation
Development of Critical Thinking Skills and LogicOHASSTA 2016Google DriveCritical Thinking
Minds On: Its FULL PotentialMyers, JohnOHASSTA 2016Google DrivePedagogy
A Foot in the Door: A Classroom Resource on Real Estate and Housing Law in OntarioOHASSTA 2016Google DriveLaw
Teacher's ToolboxArmstrong, Kelly and Kelly SnyderOHASSTA 2016Google DrivePedagogy
Making it WorkOHASSTA 2015zip filePedagogy
Mock Trials in the ClassroomOHASSTA 2015zip fileLaw
CivicsOHASSTA 2015zip fileCivics
CPWOHASSTA 2015zip filePolitics
Uncharted TerritoryOHASSTA 2015zip file
Sims and ScreensOHASSTA 2015zip file
Non-Traditional AssessmentsOHASSTA 2015zip filePedagogy
Tar Sands, Canoes, and John AOHASSTA 2015zip file
Get Connected-Google Drive 101Hand, KimOHASSTA 2015Google DriveTechnology
Follow UpOHASSTA 2015zip file
Back to the FutureOHASSTA 2015zip file
Bringing Survivor Testimony into the ClassroomOHASSTA 2015zip filePedagogy
WW I, Technology, and Historical ThinkingOHASSTA 2015zip fileHistorical Thinking
Ten Lessons on Embedding FNMI for Grade Ten HistoryOHASSTA 2015zip fileIndigenous Education
Unites de Contenus – etudes canadiennes et mondiales videoOHASSTA 2015video
Wrappeed in a MysteryMyers, JohnOHASSTA 2014zip file
OHASSTA on VoicEd RadioOHASSTA members and presentersConference 2018SoundCloud LinkIndigenous education, various
Revised SSH Curriculum-Workshop in a BoxOHASSTAZip FileCurriculum