Welcome to July! This month, we are featuring a look back at July 1912, when Regulation 17 was passed, severely restricting French-language instruction in Ontario. In acts of resistance at the Guiges school in Ottawa, teachers Diane and Beatrice Delsoges led parents and students in continuing French-language instruction, culminating in a confrontation that became known as the Battle of the Hatpins, or la Guerre des épingles. Read more about this foundational event in Franco-Ontarian history on the Canadian Encyclopedia and check out the animated video by Historical that brings it to life.
La Guerre des épingles
En juillet 1912, le gouvernement libéral-conservateur de l’Ontario, dirigé par sir James P. Whitney, instaure le règlement 17, qui restreint sévèrement l’éducation en français dans la province. En effet, le règlement limite l’usage du français comme langue d’enseignement et de communication aux deux premières années de l’école primaire ( voir Question des écoles de l’Ontario ; Processus réglementaire).
Source: The Canadian Encyclopedia
The Battle of the Hatpins
In July 1912, Ontario’s Liberal-Conservative government, led by Sir James P. Whitney , issued Regulation 17, severely restricting French-language education in Ontario. The Regulation limited the use of French as the language of instruction and communication to the first two years of elementary school. (See Ontario Schools Question ; see also Regulatory Process.)